Sunday, October 22, 2006

rediscovering artist trading cards

i was introduced to artist trading cards in 2004 through i was not collaging as much as i do now and was a bit intimidated by the small size but also excited about trading with other people around the world. after awhile i felt limited by the small size and stopped making and trading atcs. recently, i saw a set of atcs on flickr and i loved it so much, it inspired me to try making atcs again.

Bloom - set of 4 ATCs
set of atcs i've made recently

so i've been cutting cards down to 2.5 x 3 and rifling through my folders for small pieces for atcs. i've also joined swaps and one on one trades at the atcards forums (i am tealights at the forums, and if you join, you can upload your atcs to your personal gallery). sometimes when i focus on making certain things like atcs, i neglect other things like writing and collaging in my journal, which i'm trying not to do! it's hard not to though, because atcs are very addictive. before i found atcs frustrating, now i find working with a small space fun & challenging. i am also being ambtious and making a set of 26 atcs - one for each letter of the alphabet.

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