Sunday, April 27, 2008

busy busy saturday

i managed to haul my butt out of bed on a sunny saturday morning and hightail it on over to the ferry building to have a etsy meetup & coffee with beth (etsy admin) and a group of local etsians.
etsy meet up etsy meet up

after the meetup, me and nadine (theseawithin) headed over to the east bay and went to explore ikea and the east bay reuse depot!

finds from the east bay reuse depot

i found a mail box which i immediately had to have. here in sf, we dont really use mail boxes, our door has a mail slot and thats it. so ive always wanted a classic mailbox. i was happy with my finds, and it was a little bit of a drag though, once i realized i would have to carry it on bart and muni, but i managed with my handy etsy tote.

then it was onto the screening of the 1000 journals documentary. i had heard about the film a year or two ago, and was excited to be able to finally see it. it was a very moving and many interesting and funny stories emerged in the film. what was even cooler was that after the show - someguy - who created the project brought out some of the journals from the project and we got to page through them and add in our own words and art.

1000 journals 1000 journals
1000 journals 1000 journals

note: pages of art done by various participants in the 1000 journals project. the journals that someguy had were not completely filled up yet.


Beyond the RockZ said...

Very cool Saturday!

(Artsy wonderful blog too.)

Anonymous said...

We should have had an Ikea photo shoot. That would have been fun.

TheSeaWithin said...

Hey I have a blog now!

The Mincing Mockingbird said...

Awesome day! What I like to call a DWL - a "day well lived."

Can't wait to check out that doc about the journals!