Saturday, June 26, 2010



like a lot of people, i find myself easily lulled into routines and regular places to go. i found myself one windy afternoon with two friends i hadn't seen in awhile. We went to a neighborhood i normally don't find myself going to, called Bernal Heights in San Francisco. It's a hilly little neighborhood not too far from the mission district, with little shops, an independent bookstore and numerous coffee shops.

i liked looking at the colorful houses and the intricate gates.

i find myself still being fascinated by doorways and windows, locks and keys. i don't know why exactly. but i think it may be something about how certain spaces are public and others are kept private.


there are places we can all share, like a park or a coffee shop, a trolley car and sidewalks, these places we emerge and i see how we interact (or don't) with one another.


  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    HI Annie,
    Thanks for your comments, doors and windows are always appealing, the in and out like you said of public and private, what is revealed and what is hidden. Boston has a lot of iron gates an door coverings but usually black doors behind, not so colorful as SF. I suspect the Dick Blick gel will be on the planet long after we are gone, has a life of it's own.

  2. I love the open sign with the ornate metal work behind it!

  3. Love the photos! I miss SF!

  4. annie,
    i sent you a postcard yesterday for the Good Mail Day swap. I forgot to write it on there so just wanted you to know :)
